Best in Media is both a ADVANCE FORMS & MEDIA PLATFORM and a FULL-SERVICE data & support system for the broadcast industry, press clubs, music and video, sports...any industry that requires judging to be done on a visual submission.
New for 2023-2024!
1) The Entrant: Return to and edit any submitted form right up to close of entries
2) In form media uploader making the workflow much faster
3) The Judges: High res documents, images, HD video including 1080p, 4K and 360 Interactive
4) The Awards Manager: Easier to navigate and sort real-time data administrator area
5) The Awards Show Production Company: Access to download all media OR save time and money and have us produce your show file.
This year we have developed the most aggressive upgrades since our inception in 2011. Why? Because we listened to our users, researched what advances have been made in on-line media and forms technology and have ended up with the best platform and service available again! Bar none!
We know who our competition was and guarantee they are no longer our competition! We haven't left ANYTHING OUT. Best in Media is your complete awards solution...better than all the rest