Idaho Press Club / IPC Judging Dashboard 2023-2024

Welcome to the 2023-2024 Idaho Press Club / IPC awards program judging dashboard.  The process is very easy.  



Scroll down to the bottom of this page for links to the judging grids by DIVISION, then categories


  1. Verify you have the most recent information about the division(s) and category(s) you've been asked to judge. 
  2. Click on the link below to open the judging grid for the DIVISION your are judging in.
  3. Scroll down the grid until you get to the category you are assigned
  4. At this point, we recommend you print out the page(s) that have your category entries so you can make notes as you view each entry
  5. Once you have made your choices for 1st, 2nd and 3rd (no ties please) click on the link at the end of each colored row that says "RESULTS".  This will open a pre-populated results form where you can entry the requested information plus give you the option to make specific or general comments.
  6. Once you submit your results, you'll be redirected back to the judging dashboard for any additional divisions / categories you may have been asked to judge.  If you are done, simply click on "Log In / Create Account" and log out.  You will receive a copy of the results you submitted in your email.

If you need to ask someone else to cover your assignment, you are responsible for making sure they know the exact division / category they are responsible for.  You will also need to contact the person who initially contacted you to notify them of the change

Note:  It is rare that a judge will be asked to judge an entire division, only category(s) in a division.  Double check to see what categories you have been assigned.

What you should expect during the process.

  1. All video entries will run from YouTube.  Feel free to view full screen
  2. All audio, images and documents will playback or will appear in our embedded view / player.  Any documents and / or images can be made to go full screen
  3. Articles may be submitted from a website.  This will take you out of our Best in Media system, but should open in a new tab.  You may be subjected to adverts or pop-ups while on their site.
  4. Note: A PDF file does not stream.  It needs to complete the download before it appears.  They also tend to be large files.  This could take a couple of moments longer depending on your internet speed.  
  5. Links submitted by the entrant should take you directly to the article or content you have been asked to view.  You might need a paywall login to access the media.  That information will be located in the entry name box
  6. If a link opens in a new tab, simply close the tab and return to the Best in Media site.  If it overwrites the same tab, click back in your browser to return to Best in Media.

Note: The below example is from a prior year judging, but looks the same as this years


For your judging reference:

Judging Grids:

Divisions:  All divisions will be ready for judging by Thursday, February 8th.  Any division below that is already a link, that division is ready now.


Publication / Daily    Note:  Many entries are running from the web.  Several entries requires logging into a Paywall.  That information appears in the same cell as the entry title

Publication/ Weekly  Note:  Many entries are running from the web.  Several entries requires logging into a Paywall.  That information appears in the same cell as the entry title


Television- Division A Market Only

Television- Division B Market Only

Television- Combined.  These are categories that are judge across both markets A and B 



Public Relations


All Media  Note: This division has some links to X / Twitter posts.  They will require a log in.  It is included in the same place as the Entry Name